In the meantime ! 

Collage work - Digital works

Secret Selves

These collages are made based on how I feel about myself. Ask yourself, who am I? Sometimes I'm this person, but sometimes I get this strange persona. I dove into myself and asked how I would explain myself to people. with a few prompts, I was able to start a process of creativity and art therapy. Prompts being 
  1. Name three Secret Selves.
  2. Describe the contents of their closets/homes.
  3. Envision their daily lives and relationships.
  4. Create collages representing your Secret Selves using varied materials."

I chose to split myself in two: my past self and the version I am and wish to be. As seen below, the image on the left is the
woman I want to be, and it’s filled with the things I want to know, how I wish to feel, and how I feel. While on the right is more of what I've grown out of. Music, pain, friends, thoughts, how I wanted to present myself,  if you look close you’ll see pieces on the left.

2023, collage, paper, watercolor, organization, and chaos, color

What’s in the Mail

Do you ever look at something and just see what needs to happen to it? This voting letter came in the mail, and I hate politics. Therefore, I took this cute letter and covered it up with a collage about gratitude. I wanted this to be a quick message to anyone who is in a creative block or doesn't know how to express an opinion. I took something I didn't like and made it mine while also making myself do something just for me and not for school or clients; it allowed me to have a breather and be satisfied and calm in my creation process. 

2024, collage, paper, watercolor, creativity, impulsivity, symbolism 

This collage didn't take more than an hour and a half. I chose the color green because it relates to me. Since I was expressing a personal opinion and this was a personal piece, I wanted to make this collage match my birthstone. Emerald Green represents refinement as well, and I think it gives the piece a kind of ironic factor involving voting.